~The Secret of Eternity~ Lestat & Marius Fan Site // Earlier Scripts - Re-Write
Moments from the earlier versions of the movie script that somehow differ from the actual movie or from each others.
Plus my own comments on the scene in question, after it.

If someone knows of any more script versions released of this movie, please would you be so kind and let me know where I can find them, in any form. However, I am willing and eager to legally buy legal copies like I did with the original script.



The whole script version can be found for one place, here.

Please note that these are my opinions and mine alone, you are free to make your own decisions yourselves.

The script was Written by Scott Abbott and Michael Petroni.

[Bending down, he gazes at Lestat.]

You've lost a great deal of blood.

(near tears)
I'm dying.

[Suddenly Marius draws a knife from a Roman sheath on his belt. With the last of his strength, Lestat grabs his attacker's wrist.]

Then drink.

[Guiding Lestat's hand with the knife, Marius smiles and cuts his own arm, opening his veins. Lestat stares in true terror as Marius lets his blood drip onto Lestat's lip. Lestat pulls away as the blood slides into his mouth...]

Good, is it not?

[And indeed... it does taste good. That's the new terror that's gripping him. He crosses himself and stares up into Marius's gentle eyes. Marius bends down, cups Lestat's chin.]

Drink and live. You've been brave enough for one night, my son.

[Marius brings his open vein to Lestat's lips. Lestat hesitates, but then suddenly... Feeds hungrily as Marius's face fills with the bond. He slowly sinks down to his knees as Lestat feeds and feeds. As Lestat drinks, a barrage of IMAGES flood into him...}

52 IMAGES 52

of Marius's life through the ages... Impressionistic, subliminal burst of IMAGES, color... the glory days of the Roman Empire to this very moment flash by...


[He keeps drinking from the vampire Marius who gasps with the creation of his child.]

Drink... drink and learn.

[Lestat's body grows stronger, his back arching up as he draws the "life" into him with full force, as... Marius begins to weaken, himself.]

There... there... that will do.

[But Lestat keeps on feeding hungrily.]

No... no more. Lestat, no more!

[With one great move, Marius pulls Lestat off his arm and tosses him across the floor twenty feet away. Marius reels back, clamping his open vein with his hand as Lestat curls on the ground, gasping ecstatically from the rush.

Slowly, Lestat starts to feel something. Pain begins travelling through his body, consuming him until he screams. Marius crosses to Lestat convulsing on the floor. He kneels and gently wipes his brow. Lestat's body thrashes as he grabs at his own limbs...]

Don't be afraid, it's only your body that dies...

[Wiping his brow as he dies...

Then, Lestat's face still buried in his arms, he begins to laugh almost drunkenly. Raising his head, his metamorphosis is clear as his face pales and his eyes fill with a new kind of power.]


[Lestat smiles with red glistening lips. A beat on Marius as he slowly smiles, too.]

// COMMENT: Awww. Lestat's truly portrayed there like a very small child whose father's trying to heal and comfort him. Would've been a nice depth-giver seeing to the general image of Lestat as a bratty teenager. //


[Lestat takes the stance of a gymnast -- he launches upwards... flies up into the air several feet... he lands laughing.

Marius reclines on a couch, watching his fledgling with amusement.]

... and as for my new powers, I was beside myself with the pleasure of it all.

[Lestat prepares himself again and this time leaps... but he doesn't know his own powers and tumbles through the air, collecting a few ancient vases and relics as he crashes to the ground.

Marius winces then laughs as Lestat emerges from behind the furniture, covered in bits of pottery, a small cut on his cheekbone.]

// COMMENT: Mwaha. Reminds me a bit of a child who's just learnt to walk and loving the new skill and nothing's safe at home anymore. //


[Marius kneels over the body of the Father on the island's deserted shoreline. Tosses him in a boat. Lestat gazes at the lifeless body of the girl. Marius turns to Lestat, furious.]

I will not have you put everything at risk! You will mind our laws!

[Picking up Lestat's victim, Marius tosses her into the boat as well.]

We remain in the shadows. To do otherwise is a road to destruction...

[Marius turns to Lestat, who stands in silence, gazing at the girl and her Father.]

I see you still have a few lingering mortal emotions. They will serve you no good, Lestat.

[Lestat turns to Marius, shaking his head, speaks in a horrified whisper...]

My God, what have you done to me?

[Lestat turns again toward the bodies of the dead girl and her Father, his face filled with pain, enormous sadness.]

She's just a child... forgive me.

// COMMENT: I prefer the movie's version. I think it more marius-like not to yell at him in such a situation. Who knows maybe he intended to in the movie too but understood in time Lestat was for one thing too young to understand. (Probably just a few days old vampire seeing to that he had to teach him about not drinking the last drop.) And somehow even generally the atmosphere and lines given to Lestat were more in-characte rin the film. For once... //

Don't you understand? You must stop this concert!

(shakes his head at Marius)
200 years and the same broken record.

No. Not the same! You've only known Akasha dormant. She too will find you. She is choosing her moment. She has come to destroy you, Lestat. And in her wrath, she will devour everything that moves. Mortal and vampire alike.

(smiles at Marius, softly)
Well then, it's every vampire for himself. Just the kind of rules I like. The rules you taught me.

[Marius is enraged, tries to control himself. Lestat gazes at him, speaks steadily.]

Do you remember your first words to me, Marius? 'I am unknowable.' (shakes his head) I'd rather not exist at all than have to live eternally as a ghost.

And you're taking everyone with you, you fool! We were once mortals, too. It is our heritage we protect!

(moving away) Such reverence for mortals! Then you should have left me as one!

You're a monster.

(shakes his head with a dark laugh)
Said the vampire to his son.

[Lestat turns, leaps off the billboard, disappearing into the black night. Marius stands alone.]

// COMMENT: I'd have loved those dialogs in the movie. It's to fun when Lestat comes up with a smart-ass comment that really runs over Marius's comment. :D //

[He turns slowly to the corner where she sits. They lock eyes. Lestat's face stares cold and hard.]

What has she done to you?

Made me see.

[Taking his arm, Akasha draws Lestat to her. The Ancient Vampires subtly position themselves under the medieval weapons hanging on the walls, as Marius moves toward his son.]

Lestat... step aside.

Never. She is my Queen.

[Marius looks for some recognition in Lestat's eyes. There is none.]

// COMMENT: Yaaay! Don't step aside, Lestat! Kill Jesse! Kill her!!! 8DD Unfortunately he doesn't. He even calls her "my love". EWWW!!! Horror!! //

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